iTel S 11 8 GB ROM,1 GB RAM

HomeReviewsHonestly about the available memory in Android devices Honestly about the available memory in Android devices Permanent (built-in) memory is one of the most important parameters of any device. It depends on the amount of memory how many applications you can install on your smartphone, how many photos and videos you can save, how much music and movies you can take with you on a trip. And so you take a device, the characteristics of which indicate that it has, for example, 4 GB, or 8 GB, or 16 GB of memory, turn it on and are surprised to find that in reality there are neither 4, nor 8, nor 16 GB . What happened? And what to do with it? The technical characteristics of your device indicate the total amount of memory of the device. When you buy a device, the operating system is already installed on it, and, by the way, it can weigh a lot. Android can take, depending on the version, from about 200 to 350 MB, b iTel S 11 8 GB ROM,1 GB RAM ut the actual volume of the partition allocated for placing OS files can be even more. And nothing can be written there (unless, of course, you try to get root rights). Root - the account of the main administrator of the device. Access to it gives a lot of opportunities to an advanced user, but if you are not one of them, then it is better not to try to gain access, as you risk damaging your smartphone and losing the warranty on your mobile device. In reality, free space in a smartphone is always less than stated. The place in the memory of the smartphone is occupied by the bootloader, which is necessary for restoring the operating system. You need a place to update programs: some applications save the files necessary for older versions during the update (they are of no use, but they take up space). Memory is also required for pre-installed applications, they can easily weigh several tens of megabytes. Many manufacturers put programs that you, quite possibly, will not use at all, and you will not be able to remove them without root rights. The owners of budget devices, whose memory is already crying, suffer especially from this. For owners of devices that have 32 GB or more on board, this problem is not so acute, but sometimes they will not interfere with an extra dozen or two megabytes, which is just busy with a useless game or application for calling a taxi. And finally, the place is occupied by a proprietary shell, the widgets necessary for it, etc. On a budget smartphone with 4–8 GB of internal memory for an OS, shell, pre-installed applications, it can take up to 1.5–2 GB, and on devices that have more memory - up to 5-7 GB (the manufacturer is trying to install more applications, widgets and everything like that here). It is clear that not everyone is delighted with the prospect of getting at their disposal a device in which a third of the built-in memory (or even more) is not available to the owner. Therefore, sometimes you can find smartphones on sale, the manufacturers of which claim that only pure Android is installed on them: here you are, the buyer, a device with an operating system, install on it what you want. Google has even created a reference operating system for manufacturers who plan to release smartphones without add-ons, branded shells and unnecessary applications. This is Android One. In addition, it is characterized by high speed, full support for all Google services, prompt system updates, and a unified design style for interface elements. It would be great, of course, if pure Android occupied several hundred megabytes and everything would be limited to this. But here's the problem: you can't do without the "Camera" application, the "Gallery" application is also needed, the "Phone" application - of course, Google Play - of course (otherwise you will not be able to download programs), "Maps" and "Music" are also necessary , and off we go ... So even Android One, along with a few basic applications, can easily take up to 2.5 GB. Of course, the lack of space can be dealt with.


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