Acne Treatments in Uganda

GBUZ "Samara regional skin and venereal dispensary" "Our dispensary has been guarding your health for more than 90 years!" Acne treatment: experience and prospects Acne (acne, acne disease) is a chronic disease that begins with blockage of the sebaceous ducts (follicular hyperkeratosis) against the background of oily seborrhea in adolescence. Particular attention should be paid to children aged 10-17 years, when black dots, small “pimples” appear on the face in the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, chin. Many believe that this is age-related and will go away on its own. On the contrary, stagnation of sebum in the sebaceous duct is a favorable environment for the development of infection. If the procedure is not done in time and proper care is not established, then an inflammatory process occurs and chronic acne develops. In recent decades, acne has a tendency to "aging" and manifests itself at any age - late acne. The disease is aggravated by the excessive use of cosme Acne Treatments in Uganda tics - powders, blush, foundation creams, and the irrational use of medications (cosmetic, medication acne). With improper and untimely treatment, post-acne elements develop in place of the inflamed elements: keloid, hypertrophic and normo-atrophic scars, stagnant spots with hypo- and hyperpigmentation. That is why self-medication and violation of the regimen prescribed by the doctor, care and therapy are unacceptable. ). Acne develops in the following way: BE. The development of the disease is accompanied by the accumulation of sebum and a change in its composition, which begins to have a local irritating effect; the appearance of acutely inflamed hyperemic scaly spots and plaques (seborrheic dermatitis). Violation of the outflow of sebum leads to the formation of microcysts, upon rupture of which an immune reaction occurs. Analysis of the results of biopsies revealed that leukocytes, moving into the wall of the follicle, either destroy its epithelium, or, moving further to the surface between the wall of the follicle and acne, form a pustule, forming a residual scar. In this case, the inner surface of the follicle is either restored without leading to clinical inflammation, or is destroyed, which causes a focus of inflammation. Acne rashes: Primary non-inflammatory (closed comedones, open comedones, microcomedones, or milliums); secondary inflammatory (papules, pustules, nodes); tertiary post-inflammatory (atrophic, indurative, cystic, keloid scars, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, erythematous spots). Clinically, the disease manifests itself as polymorphic rashes in the form of papular and pustular elements (papular and pustular acne), milliums (millet, millium), closed and open comedones (black dot acne), follicular and perifollicular located abscesses, nodes, infiltrates and cysts (abscessing and spherical conglobate, phlegmanous acne). When abscessing acne merges and opens, fistulous tracts are formed, keloid scars are formed with inflammation and induration (keloid and induration acne), with necrotization of the elements of the rash (necrotic acne). Acne is localized more often on the face and upper body. Acne is often associated with the pathology of internal organs. Problems with the stomach and intestines (ulcers, gastritis and colitis), as well as constipation, lead to an exacerbation of the disease, the appearance of new acne elements on the face. Acne on the face in the area of ​​the nose, chin and cheeks may be associated with dysfunction of the gonads (more often in women with adnexitis). The disease is exacerbated by the intake of hot, spicy food, alcoholic beverages. With a lack of female sex hormones estrogens in the body and with an excess of male sex hormones, acne appears on the back, chest and face. Acne also occurs with prolonged use of drugs containing iodine, bromine, corticosteroids, as well as professional skin contamination, for example, tar, tar, oil, chlorine compounds, etc. The term "acne disease" appeared among specialists not so long ago. He points out that the appearance of acne is not only the appearance of rashes on the skin, but also a change in the state of the whole organism. Acne has been described in athletes and bodybuilders taking anabolic drugs. The etiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris is complex. The following factors play a major role in the development of the disease: In the ducts of the sebaceous glands, microcomedones are formed - sebaceous-horn plugs, which are not clinically manifested in any way. Further a


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