Qualification of supply of electronic reliable services (Accreditation center for certification of keys) * No koshtovno in Ukraine 01024, st. Pushkіnska, 42/4 Qualifications Nadavach of electronic pre-service services of AT "CREDIT AGRICOL BANK" (Nadavach) of entries to the Add-on list and the provision of such electronic support services: 1) qualified electronic confirmation of the order, revision and confirmation of the qualified electronic signature of the seal; 2) qualified electronic confirmation of the service of the form, revision and confirmation of the quality of the qualified certificate of the electronic signature of the seal; 3) qualified electronic service of the form, revision and confirmation of the qualified electronic sign of the hour. In order to obtain qualified electronic trustworthy messages, Nadavach victorious will use the qualified electronic signature of the seal and the cryptographic source of information, which can provide positive information ab out the state of the art for the results of the sphereFor nadannya kvalіfіkovanoї elektronnoї dovіrchoї Hotel stvorennya, perevіrki that pіdtverdzhennya kvalіfіkovanogo Electonics pіdpisu chi seals Nadavach nadaє klієntam (krіm klієntіv scho Yea pratsіvnikami AT "KREDІ AGRІKOL BANK") zgіdno s rights globally BANKІVSKOGO OBSLUGOVUVANNYA Yurydychna OSІB TA FІZICHNIH OSІB - PІDPRIЄMTSІV: - add a qualified electronic signature of the seal; - access to a part of the resource for the qualified electronic signature of the seal, which is located at the Nadavach who implements many special keys of the qualified electronic signature of the seal (for example, the crypto module). Nadavach nadaє the customers to get a qualified electronic signature and the seals of the viglyad: - okremikh software supplements (software updates); - software modules (crypto-library), which function at the warehouse of the other software supplements. Nadannya Nadavachem zasobіv kvalіfіkovanogo Electonics pіdpisu chi seals have viglyadі okremih software dodatkіv abo software modulіv (kriptobіblіotek), scho funktsіonuyut in skladі іnshih software dodatkіv, Mauger zdіysnyuvatis Shlyakhov peredachі Tsikh zasobіv on nosіyah Informácie bezposeredno klієntu abo Shlyakhov nadannya Nadavacha access through the website.


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