Property in Ethiopia

18.7.2013 12: 32 | Posted by: Martovskaya | Views: 9243 | Comments: 0 | Source: Ethiopia Real Estate Market Overview The Ethiopian real estate market is now booming, especially in the country's capital, Addis Ababa. Real estate is divided into two types: the first is an elite property, usually represented by two-storey villas. Condominiums occupy a more substantial segment. They are usually designed for low-income citizens of the country. Note that experts believe that real estate in this country is a tool for investment. Property in Ethiopia: features Real estate in this state is suitable for leasing to foreign tourists, and for independent living. If you want to buy real estate in Ethiopia, then be sure that you are investing your money promisingly. In modern times, the acquisition of real estate on the territory of this state is considered a very profitable way of investing money. As experts predict, when Ethiopia joins the EU countries, the value of Ethiopian real estate will more than double. In other words, today is the time to buy an apartment in this state, even with the aim of earning  Property in Ethiopia money on resale in the future. As for which property is best to choose, it is worth mentioning that stone and wooden buildings dating back to the 17-19 centuries have survived in some cities. In addition, new houses of stone, monolithic and panel houses are being built now. The cheapest apartments can be bought in wooden houses. An apartment meter here costs $ 285-345 (depending on the number of rooms). More expensive apartments in stone houses - 610-660 dollars per square meter. The most expensive apartments are in new buildings, the cost of which ranges from $ 775 to $ 815 per square meter. Among the small towns of this state, the most popular are the settlements that are located on the seashore and have the status of resort zones - Haapsalu and Pärnu. Many believe that it is safe, calm and healthy there. The cost per square meter in the most expensive and popular one-room apartments ranges from $ 150 to $ 300. In addition, apartments located in the student city of Tartu are especially popular here. The famous university is located in this city. However, it should be made clear that a large share of the market belongs to real estate lease transactions. Almost all tenants focus on one- and two-room apartments. The demand for them greatly exceeds the supply. Apartments located in the city center are very popular. According to local experts, the activity in the rental market is very high this year. Most of the tenants are students looking for apartments for the entire academic year. As shown by the statistics of real estate companies in Ethiopia, the demand for real estate in this state is increasing every year. Moreover, in addition to the Swedes, Finns and other residents of Europe, the percentage of Russian buyers of real estate in Ethiopia is growing. By purchasing real estate in Ethiopia, a foreign person receives:


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