Profesional Painters

An artist is a creative person who knows how to transfer his thoughts, experiences and impressions to the canvas with the help of paints, pencils, etc. He is a master of fine and other arts. Average salary: 35,000 rubles per month There is a huge variety of artist profiles and specialties. They are artists, real creators. This profession was born in the deep past. Even primitive people depicted on the walls of caves plots of their life and activities. They gave rise to creative processes and the birth of painting. The artists were especially popular in the period of antiquity. This art developed rapidly, and the masters received respect. But with the advent of the medieval "dark times", an era of inactivity began in all areas of art. Painting and master painters were no exception. Painting was equated with demonic craft and was punishable by death. Only the masters who worked on the church frescoes were recognized. With the onset of the Renaissance, art and craft begin to develop rapidly. The creators were respected. Many sought to learn the intricacies of the skill of artists Profesional Painters , so art schools were massively organized. Many masters adopted apprentices who became their followers. Art also developed over time. Nowadays, the profession of an artist has a number of varieties, which depend on the style, the type of consumables and the profile of the activity. Their earnings differ significantly. Many artists live beyond poverty, hoping for recognition, while others are drowning in luxury. Contemporary art is impossible without classical painting and the work of artists. Before starting the story, we consider it important to warn. The profession of an artist is not suitable for everyone. If you or your child is still in school, we strongly recommend taking a professional career guidance program. By spending a small amount of money now, you can save years of life later. The profession of an artist is a creative work that requires good imagination, inspiration and mastery of drawing techniques. There are a lot of areas of artistic activity, therefore, a number of narrower specializations are distinguished in the profession: Psychologist, leading expert of the Center "Proforientator". Many people complain that they are not paid much at work, are not given new interesting tasks, and are not promoted. The roots of all this are buried in our adolescence, when we were choosing our profession or university. Someone walked where it is closest to home, someone followed in the footsteps or advice of parents, someone for the company, etc. B0. There are many other equally popular areas of activity. The specificity of work in each of them has a number of differences. But one thing remains in common - this is the art of conveying thoughts and fantasies through drawing. You don't have to get an education to become an artist. The main thing is talent, but the lack of a diploma will not allow getting a good job. Therefore, you should apply for such specialties: There are also other narrow-profile specialties. You can get an art education both in universities and in art schools or at home from experienced masters of fine arts. The following institutions are considered the most prestigious for obtaining such a specialty: The daily duties are quite large and largely depend on what specialization the master has. However, there is also a range of processes common to all specialists:


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