Fossil Watches in Ghana

We make decisions from the moment we are born Explain, communicate and don't be afraid to make mistakes The market in Ukraine is now working to attract customers Gen Z wants to be meaningful Conduct all work correspondence on a single platform Do not be afraid, look for people stronger than yourself Traditional self-reliance is not always the optimal development strategy The ancestral home of Homo sapiens, Africa, from which our ancestors scattered all over the world, has long become a "weak link" among the rest of the continents. Millions of people die here every year from hunger and diseases that the rest of humanity has already coped with. There are even economic theories according to which the "black continent", with the exception of South Africa and the Maghreb countries, will remain a black hole for the foreseeable future through which all the money it earned will flow out. It is all the more interesting to consider examples when cities and countries are gradually and persistently, with the help of others, in which China is actively involved today Fossil Watches in Ghana , getting out of the quagmire of poverty to the solid land of relative prosperity. For example, the capital of Ghana is Accra. There are more prosperous places on the "black continent", but we chose this one, since this story is typical for sub-Saharan Africa. The coastal state in West Africa, Ghana, is rich in gold (until 1957 it was called the Gold Coast) and diamonds. Therefore, starting from the 15th century, it passed from one European conqueror to another, ending its colonial history in tenacious British hands. The country with a population of about 30 million people approached independence with not the best results. Since export profits were not reinvested, but exported abroad, Ghana itself lived off agriculture, which is still the main sector of its economy. The exploitation of land for growing crops has led to the destruction of most of the flora and fauna - now two-thirds of the country's territory is savanna. The attitude of the colonialists to the population itself is evidenced by the fact that over three centuries, 7 million future slaves were exported from Ghana. The consequences of the colonial past have not been completely eradicated until now. In Ghana, there are still “villages of witches”, where women who are suspected of witchcraft are simply expelled by their fellow villagers. There is a tourist business visiting such villages - an individual tour from Accra will cost $ 700. True, tourists expect to see open-air ethnographic museums arranged according to Western models, and they are brought to real reservations, where women of all ages live practically in poverty. However, it is not necessary to travel far for exotic Near the capital of Ghana is the settlement of Agbogbloshi, the world's largest dump of electronics. Computer junk from all over the world is brought here, since it is tens of times more expensive to dispose of it in the countries of the “golden billion” than to pay the former Gold Coast for using this coast as a landfill. Let's disappoint those who imagine Agbogloshi in the form of a huge second-hand - 20 thousand visitors from the poor rural outback, swarming in the dump like ants in an anthill (the similarity is aggravated by the fact that they also live there, renting huts without conveniences), spin computer junk to the last screw. From what cannot be put into circulation, non-ferrous metals are smelted on ordinary fires. The air is poisoned, people are sick. But Abogbloshi feeds, if we take into account the multiplier effect, 200 thousand people and brings the country $ 100-250 million annually. However, this is the data of ecologists who tend to exaggerate - which, of course, does not negate the very sad fact. Nevertheless, despite the two examples above, Ghana should not be considered a solid reservation. Suffice it to say that according to the International Labor Organization in 2018, the average salary in the country was $ 316 per month, higher than in Uzbekistan, Georgia and Ukraine. It's just that these incomes are distributed unevenly. This can be seen in the two-millionth Accra, which is divided into two parts: comfortable, partly inherited from the British (until 1923, racial segregation existed in the city), and urban slums.


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